Our Products
Aahalac is a complementary food for babies after 6 month when breast milk alone can no longer totally cover the baby`s growing nutritional requirements.

L-Zip Lactose Free
L-Zip is special formula meant for infants who are intolerant to lactose. It is suitable for babies from 0 to 24 months. L-Zip is Lactose Free Formulas specially designed for infants.

Milodex LBW
Milodex Lbw is powdered milk substitute. It is specially designed for the baby’s overall growth & development. Milodex is suitable for preterm and low birth weight infants.

Milodex Stage 1
Milodex Stage -1 is powdered milk substitute. It is specially designed for the baby’s overall growth & development. Milode-1 is suitable for babies in the 0 to 6 months age group.

Milodex Stage 2
Milodex Stage -2 is powdered milk substitute. It is specially designed for the baby’s overall growth & development. Milode-2 is suitable for babies in the 6 to 12 months age group.

Milodex Stage 3
Milodex Stage -3 is powdered milk substitute. It is specially designed for the baby’s overall growth & development. Milodex-3 is suitable for babies in the 12 months Onwards age group.

Milodex Premium
Milodex Premium is infant milk substitute. It is specially designed for the baby’s overall growth & development. This is suitable for babies in the 0 to 6 months age group.

Milorice is a complementary food for babies after 6 month when breast milk alone can no longer totally cover the baby`s growing nutritional requirements.

Milorice Plus
Milorice Plus is a non milk cereal for babies after 6 month when breast milk alone can no longer totally cover the baby`s growing nutritional requirements.